
Mastering Classroom Management: Step 1 - Values and Vision

August 09, 20246 min read

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Welcome to our summer series on Classroom Management by Design for Primary Teachers. Each week we will give you a new piece to the classroom management puzzle to have in place when you head back to school this fall. Think of it as a Lego kit just waiting to be built. 

Classroom Management by Design for Primary Teachers - Week 1

Mastering Classroom Management: Establishing Your Vision and Values


As a seasoned primary teacher with over 20 years of experience, I understand the challenges and triumphs that come with managing a classroom full of young, eager minds. One of the most critical steps in establishing effective classroom management is laying a solid foundation, which starts with creating your vision, values, and beliefs for your classroom. In this blog post, I'll guide you through the process of developing a personal classroom vision, reflecting on core values and beliefs, and writing a classroom vision statement that will set the stage for a successful school year.

The Importance of a Personal Classroom Vision

Creating a personal classroom vision is akin to building the foundation of a house. Without a strong foundation, the structure is unstable and vulnerable. Your classroom vision acts as a guiding star, providing direction and purpose. It helps you maintain consistency, make informed decisions, and stay motivated throughout the school year.

A well-defined classroom vision can:

- Enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

- Foster a positive and inclusive classroom environment.

- Guide your instructional strategies and classroom management practices.

- Reflect your teaching philosophy and pedagogical beliefs.


Reflecting on Core Values and Beliefs

Before crafting your classroom vision, it's essential to reflect on your core values and beliefs as an educator. These values are the principles that drive your actions and decisions in the classroom. They shape your interactions with students, colleagues, and parents, and influence your approach to teaching and learning.

Consider the following questions:

1. What motivates you as a teacher?

2. What are your non-negotiables when it comes to student learning and behavior?

3. How do you view the role of the teacher in the classroom?

4. What kind of learning environment do you want to create?

Take some time to jot down your thoughts and reflections. This exercise will help you gain clarity on what matters most to you and how you can incorporate these values into your classroom vision.


Creating Your Classroom Vision Statement

Now that you've reflected on your core values and beliefs, it's time to create your classroom vision statement. This statement should be a clear, concise articulation of your aspirations for your classroom. It should capture the essence of what you want to achieve and how you intend to achieve it.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing your classroom vision statement:

1. Identify Your Goals:

   - What do you hope to accomplish with your students this year?

   - How do you want your classroom to feel and function?

   - What outcomes do you want to see in your students’ academic and personal growth?

2. Envision the Ideal Classroom:

   - Picture your ideal classroom. What does it look like? How do students interact with each other and with you?

   - What teaching methods and classroom management strategies are you using?

   - How are you addressing the diverse needs of your students?

3. Incorporate Your Core Values:

   - Ensure that your vision statement reflects your core values and beliefs.

   - Consider how these values will influence your teaching practices and classroom policies.

4. Write Your Vision Statement:

   - Combine your goals, ideal classroom vision, and core values into a cohesive statement.

   - Keep it concise and focused. Aim for a paragraph that encapsulates your vision.


Sample Classroom Vision Statement

Here’s an example to inspire you as you craft your own vision statement:

"In my classroom, I strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and empowered. I believe in fostering a love for learning through engaging and innovative teaching methods. My goal is to support each student’s academic and personal growth by promoting a growth mindset, encouraging collaboration, and celebrating diversity. Together, we will build a community of learners who are curious, compassionate, and resilient."


Implementing Your Vision

Once you’ve written your classroom vision statement, it’s time to put it into action. Here are some strategies to help you implement your vision effectively:

1. Communicate Your Vision:

   - Share your vision with your students, parents, and colleagues. This helps create a shared understanding and commitment to your goals.

   - Display your vision statement prominently in your classroom as a constant reminder.

2. Align Your Practices:

   - Ensure that your teaching methods, classroom management strategies, and interactions with students align with your vision.

   - Reflect regularly on your practices to ensure consistency and alignment.

3. Create a Positive Classroom Culture:

   - Foster a sense of community by encouraging collaboration, respect, and empathy.

   - Implement routines and procedures that support a positive and productive learning environment.

4. Engage Students in the Process:

   - Involve students in creating classroom rules and expectations that align with your vision.

   - Encourage student voice and choice in learning activities and classroom decisions.

5. Reflect and Adapt:

   - Regularly assess the effectiveness of your classroom management practices and make adjustments as needed.

   - Seek feedback from students and colleagues to continually improve and refine your approach.


Final Thoughts

Creating and implementing a personal classroom vision is a powerful way to achieve classroom management success. By reflecting on your core values and beliefs, crafting a clear vision statement, and aligning your practices with this vision, you can create a dynamic and effective learning environment for your students.

Remember, classroom management is an ongoing process. It requires patience, flexibility, and a commitment to continuous improvement. As you embark on this journey, stay true to your vision, embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and celebrate the progress you and your students make along the way.

I hope this guide inspires you to lay a strong foundation for your classroom management. By starting with a clear vision, you’ll be well-equipped to create a positive, engaging, and successful classroom experience for all your students.


So many teachers have been asking me about effective classroom management strategies.

I’ve seen so many make the mistake of wasting months of their time because they are trying to figure out a solid classroom management plan that works.

And that's just backwards! So if you want to set yourself up for classroom management SUCCESS easily, then register for this challenge TODAY: 

Classroom Management Success Challenge - Register!

  • Each day you will be given 1 small task to set you up for classroom management SUCCESS!

  • You will have an outline of your vision and values, expectations, classroom roles, and classroom setup.

  • Giveaway GALORES...with the GRAND PRIZE being a ONE-YEAR Master Classroom Management Membership for ALL of the K-3 teachers in your building! 

Register NOW!


Did you know I organize a FREE Facebook Group for Mastering Classroom Management? We are gearing up for our summer sessions, so if you’re looking for a simple way to improve your classroom management join the already 200+ teachers that have signed up: Mastering Classroom Management Facebook Group

Your ebook GIFT: Empowering Primary Teachers: Effectively Manage Disruptive and Violent Behaviors in the Classroom



If you enjoyed the tips in this post, you might also enjoy this series of videos Classroom Management by Design for Primary Teachers:

Don’t forget to follow us over on Instagram!



Lesson Plan Toolbox, LLC


Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers

Lauren Zbiegien has had a passion for teaching since a very early age. She always knew she wanted to be a teacher and eventually felt the call to do more for education.

After 20+ years of education experience, the bulk of those years being spent in the classroom, Lauren's biggest accomplishments are receiving her Master's Degree in educational technology, becoming a State of Ohio Master Teacher, and leading her school to receive the Ohio Lottery's Academic All-Star School of the Year.

Lauren's strength in classroom management led to her being asked to take on the role of assistant principal in a PreK-8 building. During this time she knew she wanted to connect with teachers to be sure that their needs were being met, so she created a "10 Minute Check-In Time" with each teacher on a weekly basis that they could utilize as they wished. 

Helping teachers navigate their classroom management styles and methods quickly became Lauren's favorite part of being an assistant principal. This led her to pursue options on how she could share her classroom management talents with more teachers. 

Lauren is now the owner and operator of Lesson Plan Toolbox, LLC where she helps primary teachers master classroom management using a one-of-a-kind monthly, weekly, and daily method of support that can all be done during teacher contract hours.

Classroom management is the MOST important skill to master for primary teachers. Lauren's passion for supporting primary teachers comes from her classroom experience and research on how critical the ages of 0-8 years old are in child development.

If you are a superintendent, school administrator, or a teacher working with primary students and are interested in year-round classroom management support that happens in real-time, then the Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers Membership is EXACTLY what you need.

Lauren Zbiegien

Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers Lauren Zbiegien has had a passion for teaching since a very early age. She always knew she wanted to be a teacher and eventually felt the call to do more for education. After 20+ years of education experience, the bulk of those years being spent in the classroom, Lauren's biggest accomplishments are receiving her Master's Degree in educational technology, becoming a State of Ohio Master Teacher, and leading her school to receive the Ohio Lottery's Academic All-Star School of the Year. Lauren's strength in classroom management led to her being asked to take on the role of assistant principal in a PreK-8 building. During this time she knew she wanted to connect with teachers to be sure that their needs were being met, so she created a "10 Minute Check-In Time" with each teacher on a weekly basis that they could utilize as they wished. Helping teachers navigate their classroom management styles and methods quickly became Lauren's favorite part of being an assistant principal. This led her to pursue options on how she could share her classroom management talents with more teachers. Lauren is now the owner and operator of Lesson Plan Toolbox, LLC where she helps primary teachers master classroom management using a one-of-a-kind monthly, weekly, and daily method of support that can all be done during teacher contract hours. Classroom management is the MOST important skill to master for primary teachers. Lauren's passion for supporting primary teachers comes from her classroom experience and research on how critical the ages of 0-8 years old are in child development. If you are a superintendent, school administrator, or a teacher working with primary students and are interested in year-round classroom management support that happens in real-time, then the Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers Membership is EXACTLY what you need.

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