
Mastering Conflict Resolution in the Primary Classroom: 10 Creative Strategies for Teachers

September 12, 20246 min read

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Welcome to our yearlong series on Classroom Management by Design for Primary Teachers. Each week we will give you a new piece to the classroom management puzzle to have in place when you need it this school year. Think of it as a Lego kit just waiting to be built. 

Classroom Management by Design for Primary Teachers:

Mastering Conflict Resolution in the Primary Classroom: 10 Creative Strategies for Elementary Teachers


Conflicts in the primary classroom can feel like daily hurdles, but what if we flip the script? Rather than seeing them as disruptions, let’s turn these moments into golden opportunities for growth, empathy, and collaboration. If you’re a primary teacher struggling with conflict resolution, you're not alone—and I’ve got some powerful strategies to help you navigate these tricky waters with ease!

1. The Power of "I-Statements”

Have you ever noticed how kids often point fingers when upset? Instead of, “You took my pencil!” teach them to use “I-Statements.” The shift might sound simple, but the results are transformative. For example, a student could say, “I feel upset when you take my pencil without asking.” Now, you've moved from accusation to self-expression—magic! This approach reduces defensiveness and opens the door to understanding.

2. Create a Peace Table (or Corner!)

Conflicts don’t always need instant solutions. Sometimes, students need a safe, designated space to breathe and reflect. Enter the Peace Table—a calm spot in your classroom where students can retreat to sort out their differences. Add a “peace talk” script or even conflict resolution cards (more on that later) to guide students toward a solution. This turns your classroom into a sanctuary of growth rather than a battlefield.


3. Stop, Think, Talk

Ever feel like conflicts explode before they can be addressed? Teaching the “Stop, Think, Talk” method gives your students the tools to pause the moment things go awry. First, they stop their actions. Next, they think about how they feel and what the issue is. Finally, they talk it out with their peer or with you, moving from reactive to reflective problem-solving. This method gives students the space to process their emotions and decide on a peaceful approach before speaking.

4. Role-Playing to Resolve Real Problems

Put your students in the driver's seat with role-playing! Whether it's two students acting out a playground disagreement or a group reenacting a classic classroom conflict, role-playing helps students understand different perspectives. It’s also a low-stakes way for them to practice conflict resolution in front of their peers. Bonus tip: Make it fun by adding puppets or props! This keeps students engaged while learning essential life skills.


5. Conflict Resolution Cards: Instant Help, Zero Friction

Kids don’t always know what to say when emotions run high. Having Conflict Resolution Cards at the ready can bridge that gap. When tempers flare, students can grab a card that prompts them with phrases like “Let’s take a deep breath” or “I need help understanding what happened.” These cards guide students step-by-step, turning potential chaos into a constructive dialogue.


6. The Buddy System: Strength in Numbers

When conflicts feel too big, it can help to have a friend by your side. Implementing a Buddy System pairs students with a peer who can help mediate. It’s not just about defusing tensions—students learn to lean on one another for support, building a sense of community and collaboration in your classroom. It can also lighten your workload as the sole conflict resolver.


7. Empathy Building Through Class Discussions

Empathy is at the heart of conflict resolution. A weekly class discussion centered around empathy can work wonders. Try reading storybooks with scenarios that invite students to think about how different characters feel. For instance, after reading, “How do you think Sarah felt when John grabbed her toy? What could he have done differently?” Empathy becomes a classroom habit, making future conflicts much easier to resolve.

8. Scripts to Navigate Tough Situations

Let’s face it: kids need structure. Conflict resolution scripts provide a framework for students to talk through their problems. Simple scripts like, “What happened? How did that make you feel? What can we do to make it better?” guide students through conflicts without emotions spiraling out of control. This step-by-step process empowers students to communicate their feelings in a healthy, productive way.


9. Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding Peacemakers

Everyone loves a little recognition! When students resolve conflicts on their own, reward them with positive reinforcement. Whether it’s a sticker, a "peace prize," or just a heartfelt acknowledgment in front of the class, positive reinforcement encourages students to keep practicing their conflict resolution skills. They’ll soon realize that peacemaking can be as rewarding as winning a game.

10. You as the Mediator: Model the Magic

Sometimes, conflicts need your touch. As the teacher-mediator, you’re modeling essential life skills for your students. When they see you listen patiently to both sides, express empathy, and guide the conversation toward a solution, you’re not just resolving one issue—you’re teaching them how to navigate all future conflicts. Your role as a mediator is powerful, and your students will carry these skills with them long after they leave your classroom.



Conflict resolution in the primary grades doesn’t have to be stressful or time-consuming. By implementing these creative strategies, you’ll cultivate a classroom culture that values empathy, communication, and collaboration. Your students will learn to view conflicts as opportunities for growth, and you’ll find your teaching day flows more smoothly as a result.

With these tools in your pocket, you’re not just teaching content—you’re shaping future problem-solvers, peacebuilders, and empathetic leaders. How’s that for classroom magic?

SHOCK-TOBER Fall Classroom Confidence Success Challenge Coming Soon...

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Did you know I organize a FREE Facebook Group for Mastering Classroom Management? We are gearing up for our school year quarter sessions, so if you’re looking for a simple way to improve your classroom management join the already 200+ teachers that have signed up: Mastering Classroom Management Facebook Group

Your ebook GIFT: Empowering Primary Teachers: Effectively Manage Disruptive and Violent Behaviors in the Classroom



If you enjoyed the tips in this post, you might also enjoy this series of videos Classroom Management by Design for Primary Teachers:

Silencing the Chaos: How to Quiet a Classroom Full of Disruptions and Rudeness

Diffusing Extreme Behaviors in the Primary Classroom

Avoiding Common Classroom Management Mistakes

Vision and Values for Your Classroom

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Lesson Plan Toolbox, LLC


Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers

Lauren Zbiegien has had a passion for teaching since a very early age. She always knew she wanted to be a teacher and eventually felt the call to do more for education.

After 20+ years of education experience, the bulk of those years being spent in the classroom, Lauren's biggest accomplishments are receiving her Master's Degree in educational technology, becoming a State of Ohio Master Teacher, and leading her school to receive the Ohio Lottery's Academic All-Star School of the Year.

Lauren's strength in classroom management led to her being asked to take on the role of assistant principal in a PreK-8 building. During this time she knew she wanted to connect with teachers to be sure that their needs were being met, so she created a "10 Minute Check-In Time" with each teacher on a weekly basis that they could utilize as they wished. 

Helping teachers navigate their classroom management styles and methods quickly became Lauren's favorite part of being an assistant principal. This led her to pursue options on how she could share her classroom management talents with more teachers. 

Lauren is now the owner and operator of Lesson Plan Toolbox, LLC where she helps primary teachers master classroom management using a one-of-a-kind monthly, weekly, and daily method of support that can all be done during teacher contract hours.

Classroom management is the MOST important skill to master for primary teachers. Lauren's passion for supporting primary teachers comes from her classroom experience and research on how critical the ages of 0-8 years old are in child development.

If you are a superintendent, school administrator, or a teacher working with primary students and are interested in year-round classroom management support that happens in real-time, then the Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers Membership is EXACTLY what you need.

Lauren Zbiegien

Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers Lauren Zbiegien has had a passion for teaching since a very early age. She always knew she wanted to be a teacher and eventually felt the call to do more for education. After 20+ years of education experience, the bulk of those years being spent in the classroom, Lauren's biggest accomplishments are receiving her Master's Degree in educational technology, becoming a State of Ohio Master Teacher, and leading her school to receive the Ohio Lottery's Academic All-Star School of the Year. Lauren's strength in classroom management led to her being asked to take on the role of assistant principal in a PreK-8 building. During this time she knew she wanted to connect with teachers to be sure that their needs were being met, so she created a "10 Minute Check-In Time" with each teacher on a weekly basis that they could utilize as they wished. Helping teachers navigate their classroom management styles and methods quickly became Lauren's favorite part of being an assistant principal. This led her to pursue options on how she could share her classroom management talents with more teachers. Lauren is now the owner and operator of Lesson Plan Toolbox, LLC where she helps primary teachers master classroom management using a one-of-a-kind monthly, weekly, and daily method of support that can all be done during teacher contract hours. Classroom management is the MOST important skill to master for primary teachers. Lauren's passion for supporting primary teachers comes from her classroom experience and research on how critical the ages of 0-8 years old are in child development. If you are a superintendent, school administrator, or a teacher working with primary students and are interested in year-round classroom management support that happens in real-time, then the Mastering Classroom Management for Primary Teachers Membership is EXACTLY what you need.

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